
Feb 29, 2008 19:12

Well I made it through another birthday without getting sick or hurt. But I did get hurt on the weekend after my BDay. Not fun. I slipped on the ice on the Saturday and I thought nothing of it but then it started to hurt on the drive home. I did not really think it was that bad but on Monday night I was working and I left early cause I was in pain and I could not stand much longer. Then the next morning I felt ok so I went to work but only lasted 6 hours and then I called the doctors office and I went to see him. He told me I should not work for 3 weeks but I told him I could not spend 3 weeks off work so he gave me 3 days off and then he told me that I should sit for a couple weeks so my leg heals like it should. So I called my work place the next day and they said that I needed a note telling them that so I can do that. So I went back to the doctors yesterday and he gave me a note for the next 2 weeks for modified work. So I will be working in the smoke shop for a while.

Well on to other news. I got a few things for my BDay and stuff. I got the Collection of Jane Austen, The Complete Chornicals of Narnia, and Northanger Abbey. I am excited about reading the Collection of Jane Austen. I bought them because if I finish one of the books I don't have to get the other one off the shelf or out of my pack to continue reading. Well I should go cause I have to go to work tomorrow. I will update soon when I have something to write about
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