Oct 23, 2004 00:11
I'm just back from work a.k.a 'Home 2'. I spend all my weekend there so its like a step-family. Hrm. Got my pay slip today. All in all I have been paid a total of £700. And only have about £100 in the bank. WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY HAVE I SPENT £600 ON! It's really really depressing to think about, because if I had been slightly more careful with what I was spending it on it wouldn't take me so long to save for my horsey. Trying not to swear. AHHHH FUUUUUUUUCK.
I also burned my arm. Silly Liz. But ouch.
Doopdeedoo... didn't go to history today. Again. BAD LIZ! I really hate history, its soo boring. Nevermind. Aslong as I get some sort of pass grade for it I couldn't give a shit.
Going into Edinburgh in the morning with my mommy tomorrow to get my halloween costume. Man I kick ass. *AHEM*
I feel like getting philosophical but I'm going to keep my mouth shut for once and leave you with this:
"It's a strange courage
you give me ancient star:
Shine alone in the sunrise
toward which you lend no part!"
Liz xxx