Jul 03, 2004 22:07
today was funnn. i went to lizs house and annalee came over and we watched sacry movie 3...FUNNY MOVIE! and so then i was laughing like randomly at non-funny parts some. so that was really random. then hayden and tim and dan came over...very random. then we threw them a corndog and water and made them leave. but they had to break the porch. and then liz was like we'll just tell my parents it was liz they alreayd hate her!! yeah ever since i trashed their kitchen they didnt like me. hahaha fun night though. haha well yeah so we finished the movie. funny funny. then annalee left as usual. then me and liz played tiny hawk. i kicked her ass! OH YEAH! im good at this one. and so then we chilled online looking at like ebaums world and we watched the BADGERS BADGERS! vid!! haha soooo funny!! and so then we wathed this one where this girl was singing at her office and she thought it was funny which it was but then this guy came up with a phone book and wacked her in the head!! IT IS SOOO FUNNY!!! yeah well then her dad made me leave again so when i got home i watched My Girl...love that movie..its real sad. but i love it. and then chilled a while. then later tonight i watched the wedding singer. that movie is reallll funny. and then i did those lil quizzie thingys online and i am 76% evil genius...oh yes. and now im like talking to madison and she thinks im like high or something. its great.