Jun 07, 2009 21:04
I hate feeling like this. Today has been horrible. I ended up crashing from 10-1 and then rested again 2-3. I haven't done much all day. I've been trying to sit or lay most of the day. Tonight contractions started again. Drinking water hasn't helped. I'm going to make an appointment to see my doctor in the morning. My back is aching a lot too. I just really hope that this isn't the start of pre-term labor and I end up on bedrest. I'm not sure how we'll handle it. I'll mention possible early induction when I see the doctor tomorrow. It is getting frustrating not being able to do much of anything. I can hardly lift Laura. I can't be active for more than about 5 minutes without needing to rest. This isn't normal. I'm a little afraid to go in though because of possible bed rest. However, I'll do whatever I need to in order to keep this baby baking longer. It is just too early right now. I am thankful that Robert is so good about doing everything around the house. It's just hard sitting on the sidelines of life so much.