LJ is an excuse to procrastinate

May 25, 2003 13:28

Need to 'revise' post-production knowledge. pack my extremely messy room. throw out stuff. clear music from computer and make CDs. take down posters and postcards. upload the only digital pics i've ever taken. email pics. reply email. contact people. re-do LJ design. study japanese. blah blah blah 101 things and more. and what am I doing? sitting here doing a no-update update. so now must write something update-y.

Went to Ikea yesterday and finally bought a wardrobe. An attempt to get my life organised. The old one is at least 13 years old, missing one door because one day I decided I'd like to have cloth instead of doors. Only got around to one door in the end. That was at least 2 years ago. er. ya. I'm like that. Had dinner with D. and learnt a lot about red blood cells and the cool stuff they do. Din do bio in school so completely clueless abt it. Plus, I pretty much will almost faint if I see it gushing around. Or when those nurses try to take your blood and can't find the vein, they swing the needle around trying to find it. aiyo. *whoozy*

Think air-con and Aerosmith should do it.

Just realised that I'm procrastinating about things that I do to procrastinate. *bow* I am good.

to do list, random rambles

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