my life is full of serendipity

May 28, 2002 23:39

did anyone see the sky at 7pm tonight? man, it was positively gorgeous - the clouds were just rolling across the heavens, glowing orange, some parts burnt... wish i had a camera.

went to city hall to meet the stupid idiot who said he'd buy my Palm. did i not get the conversation yesterday? anyway he didn't turn up. drat. oh well. NEXT PLS!

bumped into Caroline - she encouraged me to check out my options overseas. which i've been thinking about. working holiday in UK seems the most likely option. plus, workwise, UK probably has the most work. or maybe Japan has more...

also bumped into Kim, the continuity supervisor I worked with on Liang Po Po. it's been soooo long! what a stroke of luck to run into her! working as an assistant director nowadays. i like her, she's very professional and does her work well. told her i might do production coordinator. but later, i realised, i enjoy being on set, but it's the creative process i prefer, maybe i really should check out advertising. that was how all this started anyway. .... but then again, it really is Scorsese's and Edith Wharton's fault. hehe. If not for that ballroom scene in 'The Age of Innocence' I saw in The Picturehouse, film might never have occurred to me.

browsed through Do Less, Achieve More at MPH too (same author as Thick Face, Black Heart) - hmm. the messages coming in through the universe are repeating themselves - let things be, go with the flow, don't take things too seriously, move along etc etc... arghs. think but don't think too much. hahaha. let's see what the universe has in store, but in the meantime, i'll just get ready. hehehe :)

being positive, books, moments, rants, coincidences

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