just ask

Aug 21, 2008 04:01

So it appears that my LJ is actually the secret conduit to the Universe. For me, at least. Every time I blab about something here, there will be some kind of reaction. e.g. I was planning to head to Ookayama tomorrow to check out the area and visit some of the property agents there, but I may have stumbled onto a perfect little place for me in Nakano online just now. The rental is a little higher than what I wanted, but the transportation fees are super low so it kind of balances out... I think? I don't know. I'll check all this out tomorrow when the world wakes up again. Also, Beanie Fukuyama is scheduled to make an appearance in one of my lessons tomorrow night... It's almost like magic. I guess it's like they say, ask and you will receive. But then I also say be careful what you wish for ;) I'm not particularly excited about seeing him though... just surprised that he booked a lesson.

Today's a much better day - keeping myself busy is probably the answer to both my financial situation and self-indulgent emotional ups and downs. Plus, my dotter listened to me go on and on and on about it, so it's kinda off my chest. I feel like I'm close to reverting to a pre-Friday state and not be so overwhelmed with if-onlys and what-ifs. Though I have to say, however confused I've felt, however much I can blame Pluto for any out-of-the-norm behaviour, spending 3+ hours wandering around shibuya just waiting to meet someone, then amazingly not be pissed off when he shows up, is proof that this person is special... right? I don't know if anyone else I know could survive after doing that to me. :P Ok i must stop analysing stuff before astropup comes over and whacks me on the head. Which reminds me, wolfegod, you and I, oh and plus1! must find a free day in your jetsetting schedule to meet up in SG, otherwise when will I see you again? *cue Brother Beyond*

i guess i should sleep............

p.s. but i think i will check out Ookayama anyway.

p.p.s. actually it freaks me a little to leave this unlocked, cos Fongzai stopped by via ann gongzi's blog the other day... but I think he's probably far too busy with life and films... plus, he's known about it all along but i don't think he ever stopped by, so it should be ok. Besides, my life challenge is supposed to be to honest and fearless self-expression, something I think I was doing better here pre-incensed-Scorp attack post-Fatbong era, so I'm trying to go back to that.

men, theories, coincidences, friends

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