letting go

Aug 14, 2008 10:12

OK. I have to take back that last entry. It's doable I realised. BUT it's terribly depressing. LOL. I kinda worked out what's the minimum wardrobe I'd need based on my lifestyle... stared at the list and felt very sad. It's hard not to be sucked into the vortex of consumption, but I guess I'll try to cut down, rather than speed off to 'zero tolerance'. Maybe I can reach it in like 25 years time.

The Bare Minimum
~ For work: full suit x1, work pants or skirt x1, shirts x3, work shoes x1 (nice if can add one more work/evening shoe cos better for feet to change shoes from day-to-day)
~ For fun: jeans/capri pants x1, skirt x1, tops x3-4, sneakers x1, slip-ons or sandals x1
~ Undies: ideally 8 sets (can i add here i really hate packing bras cos they always get squashed!)
~ Toiletries and other stuff: silicone-free conditioner, body soap, (<- those two can be combined into 1 if I use Dr Bronners' but i haven't really checked it out yet. Some of his stuff has all that ickky lavender etc though, and I totally intend to avoid that) facial cleanser, face and body moisturizer, loofah scrub/brush, foundation, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipbalm/gloss
~ For cold weather: sweaters/cardies x2-3, spring/autumn jacket x1, winter parka x1, winter coat x1
~ If I ever decide to exercise: running shoes x1, tops x3, bottoms x2, sports bra x2? The tops and bottoms can double as wear-at-home clothes so that's fine.

That's it! It makes me realise how much extra stuff I have. But yet, looking at this list... it's just. SAD!

And as i was saying with xharine, the important thing is not to be attached to these things. I wish it was more ok for people to give used things to people though. I don't have a problem receiving used things as long as I actually WANT them, but I guess in the gift-giving culture, it's just wrong to give used things. Or recycled gifts. I wish it was ok though, so that when I get bored with things like a pair of earrings or a top or when something ceases to be useful to me (like i have a kerzillion notebooks! i'll never finish using them!!!), I can give them to someone else who might like them, provided said item is still in good condition of course.

twittering~~~ and astrological ramblings
* 10:26 good morning, world~ what does life want from you today?
* 11:08 Neal Stephenson: Why I'm a Bad Correspondent [tinyurl.com/6mlwur]
* 14:51 @wynlim ooh there may be hope for the japanese yen then! are you up? :P
* 18:48 figured out the min amt of clothes etc i need. think i shld aim for low consumptn instead of no con. Looking at the list is depressing! LOL!
* 09:10 my astrological mind is boggled.
* 09:25 The Universe really likes to joke with me. At least this time I'm laughing. XD
* 14:07 @gwyne take a break!~
* 14:07 *sneeze*
* 17:35 @wynlim you listened to it already?

Listened to the first podcast that Oprah did with Eckhart Tolle who wrote "The Power of Now"... He says to ask "What does life (God/whatever you believe in) want from me?", instead of asking "What do I want?" and also talks about trying to stop labelling things, people etc. I haven't really absorbed it or think i'm ready for all of it, but it was thought-provoking. And yet, it also seems like it's nothing new... mostly eastern philosophy - let go of your ego etc. I'd have to listen to it again...

Also, decided Fongzai and I might have been siblings in our past lives. Couple of months back, I dreamt about us as kids (as in literally children) in the back of the car and getting scolded by my mom for playing too noisily haha... then in the later part of the dream, we were grown-up and he seemed upset about something and didn't want to play anymore but didn't want to talk about it either. This morning, i dreamt that we were in the house I lived in as a child, and we were supposed to go out, but he was really tired ... hm writing this I know it's very mundane and not like my very gory last dream haha. But I guess it's more the feeling of the dream. On the astro side, I haven't looked at our charts for a long time, I guess I simply want to avoid thinking about it - but yesterday I discovered a Mystic Rectangle (indicates great professional success if you overcome your egos/clashes) and also a few Grand Trines and a T-square I never noticed before. That's why the boggling of the astrological mind. Actually I kinda stopped looking into astrology so much for a while, cos I wanted to stop the endless self-indulgent self-analysis etc and look outwards and *do things* instead, but sometimes, it's just too fascinating and also rather helpful.

I'm still high on jason mraz. After reading his blog, he might be the only white man i want to marry. :P Oh, but I'm also really into my new #1 fave student, KK. He'd be *absolutely* perfect if he was born in 1976. LOL~

astrology, men, trying to grow, twitter, jason mraz

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