other people's stories and one wrinkly bimbo

Aug 07, 2008 02:03

Can you imagine a serious Japanese businessman and his team, making a conference call to the United States, only to have a dog pick up the phone, barking continuously while the businessman goes, "Hello?? Can you hear me?? Hello? Helllooo????!"

One of the guys who came for a lesson tonight told me that this happened to his boss, and everyone had to sit there and look solemn while this was happening. LOL~~~ that particular boss has since left the company. Then, there was also the time when he and his colleagues called a hotel in Germany to speak to their boss, Mr. Kato. But they got put through to the wrong Mr. Kato and woke some innocent man up at midnight. What did they do? They quickly hung up the phone... d'oh...

His new boss has a great sense of humour tho'. On April Fool's Day this year, he sent out an email telling the entire staff that the company will no longer accept abbreviated titles in any correspondence or documents, e.g. CEO must be spelt out -> Chief Executive Officer. This guy (even though he has a daughter old enough to go to nursery) took it seriously and only found out in July that it was an April Fool's joke. Before that, he'd been checking titles every time he had to use one. *pengs~~~* I never laughed so much during a lesson... hahahaha.

This was one funny dude. It didn't help that he himself kept giggling while he was telling me these stories.

Got facebook mail from Weetz re: the scrumptious Mraz, and now I feel compelled to sign off the same way. I've come to like how unpronunceable my last name is. NENG! ING! And seriously the Mraz fans are a little too in love with him - look at that mess of avocado - yes, it sounds delicious, but frankly it looks a little disgusting. I guess love is blind.

yesterday's twitters:
* 10:56 had the most bizarre dream: stella told me she thinks don and her are finally gonna break up cos he's really into this new girlfriend. ?!!?
* 11:17 oh and i dreamt of earthquakes too so scary...
* 11:19 YAHOOOOOOO~ it's raining!!!!!!
* 11:59 THUNDERSTORM!!!~ don't you agree it's a valid reason not to go to school?

and today's this-has-got-to-be-one-of-the-top-bimbotic-things-to-date twitters:
* 14:38 Took a new pic for my alien card and it doesn't look like me. And wrinkles! arghs wrinkles!
* 15:25 @kryan70 no, anyone who is not Japanese is an alien, so all gaijins have an alien card, 'cept the illegal ones ;P
* 15:27 So dumb! i forgot to bring that useless piece of paper called a degree! have to come back tomorrow. D'oh!
* 15:29 @kryan70 at first i thot u were referring to the wrinkles!
* 15:42 Anyway I'm a little shocked by how rude the lady at the counter was at first. 0_o
* 22:59 Yikes! a mouse!
* 23:15 @gwyne what happened to you? sound so abused...
* 23:17 my new fave student didn't show tonight... I was so free, I checked peoples' birthdays - there's a predominance of Leos and Pisces so far

Actually i have quite a few students i look forward to seeing nowadays, they're just really nice people and enjoyable to talk to... or if not, at least I really appreciate the effort they are making in learning English. In a way, it makes me wanna study Japanese harder cos I see other people working hard too. haha. I've been such a slacker - I even remember back in uni, one of my Aussie housemates said to me and Joho in amazement, "my god, you guys are the slackest asians i've ever met!!!"

and you know, I never realised that Lilo (as in Stitch) was a girl. I always thought Lilo was a boy with very long hair.


dreams, getting old, twitter, bimbo-ism, friends, teaching, funny, movies, jason mraz

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