july's twitters aka i'm just too lazy to write anything today.

Aug 04, 2008 11:44

16.07 wednesday
09:46 who eats half a box of pineapple tarts for breakfast? ME! XD
11:31 @ gwyne good morning :D
11:32 it's been a geeky morning
13:44 late for school and melting ino a puddle. so hot!
16:41 @ wolfeg0d thanks :) your Japanese has improved! :P
01:23 Irony: surfing for organic restaurants while eating bak kwa :D

18.07 friday
00:21 @ wynlim hehe smash the screen :P
00:21 toma is yummy :)
10:49 Arghs! my computer network is screwed again!
23:33 @ gwyne it appears to be ok now. what happened to your corporate profile pic?
23:37 @ wynlim beard papa makes shibuya station smell good but i've never had any here cos i'm too lazy to queue.. hehe
23:38 in yet another computer personalization phase. where are my priorities?!

19.07 saturday
12:50 m.e.l.t.e.d.
15:55 SOB. Carlene's gone home.

20.07 sunday
15:55 heard a cicada! it's really summer!
22:05 j-pop / arashi madness is on its way back methinks.

21.07 monday
20:04 Oh my screwed-up comp, is it possible u hv an exipry date?
20:37 i think i have the potential to be an earthquake sensor XD
20:54 @ wynlim choy~ i'm not that kind... :P
22:23 my bro seems to have resolved my comp problems again!~ whee~ haha

24.07 thursday
13:08 *poke* the computer finally seems to be alive... ??

25.07 friday
01:00 @ wynlim yes IE should eliminated from the surface of this earth :D where are you my dotter?
09:36 omg it's finally payday!
11:56 YAY! the school will sponsor my visa! now it's up to immigration. *prays hard*
19:42 @ wynlim hehe thanks. your chance of having free accom just went up :P
19:44 i hope my slippers dun fall onto the train platform.

27.07 sunday
18:27 Someone pls put tokyo in a fridge!
23:52 wondering if @ wynlim is watching EPL or something LOL

29.07 tuesday
17:42 on the way to see Jason Mraz! so excited!
18:09 ACKS they're letting people in by the number. i dunwan to stand behind some smeowly guy!
19:04 I can't see anything!
22:17 AH~ Jason was hot but the concert was too short and i wanted to smack the girl in front of me.

30.07 wednesday
16:50 @ kryan70 aiyo! are you ok?
17:41 @ wynlim buy! books ARE an investment. IF you actually get round to reading them. I've about 60 unread ones back in sg hehe.
17:42 it's so hot! i half wish it will snow!

31.07 thursday
10:31 @ kryan70 sounds painful... take care! if you can figure out how to avoid the burning bit, you can start a "Exploding Gyoza" restaurant :P
10:31 being a geek and contemplating if there are any advantages to going to school today.

01.08 friday
13:38 @ wolfeg0d there's no such privilege for me T_T
13:38 so sleepy from lunch!
23:40 making a music disc for someone :D
01:29 aiyo... i'm late for bed.. again.... g'nite~~~

02.08 saturday
19:26 @ kryan70 did you kill any of our fellow countrymen? :P
19:26 clearing and cleaning my messy room
21:45 just back from the Ebisu 'bonodori' street fest... sooooooo hot i could eat a whole watermelon...

03.08  sunday
16:24 finally get to eat lunch today!
16:27 @ kryan70 wat do you mean? bad sushi? unusual sushi?
18:39 Tokyo is actually a steam bath pretending to be a city.

toys, arashi, tokyolife, twitter, jason mraz, random rambles, friends

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