the day after the longest day in the year

Jun 21, 2008 20:30

yesterday's twitters:
  • 08:25 @ kryan70 omg eat meepok for me!
  • 08:26 @ wolfeg0d hm i haven't logged in for a long time... but I'm Procastinator #1, you forgot...
  • 08:30 contemplating if I should go to school today...
  • 09:47 Moseying along to school. Why do people wear shoes too big for them!?
  • 13:54 @ wolfeg0d wat madness?
  • 13:56 I'm standing in front of a man who looks like the japanese version of cliff richards.
  • 14:18 Some girl locked the main toilet door, TSK!
  • 23:16 @ wolfeg0d haha cliff richards is not a bad thing. beyond your time? and your student must have something against you :P
  • 23:17 No way!!! X-file's Japan release date is 8 November?!! It's out in SG on 31 July! WTF!
I decided Twitter is a good thing.  When I remember to use it. XD

Lesson bookings are pretty erratic.  Two weeks ago, I was booked back-to-back the entire week.  This week I had a couple of empty slots.  Next week looks like a bloody desert!  What's going on?  People get more busy and don't study when Mercury goes direct??

It's still pretty interesting though, this teaching thing.  The sheer range of topics, or maybe trivia, keeps me going.  The other day, I learnt that Japanese egg yolks have that special bright yellowy-orangey colour because the chickens here are fed a special feed which includes paprika.  Really?!! Paprika!  Who'd have thought.

We've hit the rainy season in Tokyo.  Feels like Singapore in December.  Lovely cool natural air-con at night.  I love it.

teaching, tokyolife, twitter

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