Ianto in Episode 12 - "Captain Jack Harkness". Well, what can I say. A picture speaks a thousand words, so there are 54 of them below the cut ;) Spoilery for Episode 12.
I've melted already. I mean, WAISTCOAT LOVE!
Okay, this broke last week's record. 3 minutes and 40 seconds in and we have Ianto talking
This outfit is KILLING ME
Ianto: "It's a bit over my head." Bless. I bet it isn't really. Ianto knows exactly what he's doing
He *tries* to be nice to Owen. Owen's a prick ¬.¬
-Would like to rip all of the buttons off-
Bluetooth!pr0n :D
Compassionate!Ianto makes me melt
He's not happy when Owen ignores him though
Why does no one LISTEN to him?
My keyboard is jealous of Tosh's keyboard. For that matter, *I'm* jealous of Tosh's keyboard :P
Needless Ianto abuse -pout-
Poor, long suffering woobie -glomps him-
Shadow-and-bluetooth!pr0n = happy me!
His finger is wierdly bent here, but yay for hand!pr0n anyway!
Ohhh, angry face -flails-
Ianto is unbelievably sexy when he puts his hands on his hips. Luckily, he does this a lot :D
I've mentioned before how much I love shots where the camera angle is aiming upwards
Still trying to talk sense into Owen...
His tie is askew <3
Ianto: "Stop it." We should all kill Owen, yes?
Finally, proof that Ianto is over Lisa. I also took it as proof that he doesn't have an agenda - he *knows* that she wasn't "Lisa" when the gang shot her like a million times
Oh, sweet, he's pacing ^^
Mmm, he's being authoritative
Ianto does have power over Owen - the Stare of Doom!
I have no comment for this cap. It's just yummy.
Same excuse as above :P
He totally knows what he's doing
They should make it illegal to leave Ianto out. He's been offscreen for a horrific 9 minutes!
Oh, Ianto so loves Tosh <3
Ianto: *glowers*
Ass shot!
Oh boy, he has to stop mussing up his hair. It makes me jealous :P
Aaaaaand the waistcoat is UNDONE!!
"But... we can't go into the safe. All Jack's kinky toys are in there."
Remember what I said about mussing his hair? He has to stop putting his hands on his hips too. Because, GUH!
Ooooh. He looks pissed.
They really need to start listening to Ianto. He tells them Bilis is behind it, that it's a trap, that it will incite destruction - Abaddon is Apollyon in Greek, which means destroyer - and what do they do? Gah.
GO IANTO! He looks like he's tearing Owen's eyes out! I'm not going to say anything about the position they're in and who my current favourite fic pairing is.
Bastard kicked woobie in the stomach :(
Gravelly!voiced Ianto...
EEE! Gun!pr0n!
-Whoops- GO IANTO!
I love the little blink and gasp
Absolutely no one cares that Ianto shot Owen. They've probably all wanted to shoot him at some point.
It's obvious that something's going to go wrong. No writer in their right mind would let Owen have the last word...
http://www.sendspace.com/file/463c3t (1 MB)
(Previous picspams and downloads