Scene by scene picspam of the latest Doctor Who trailer. Be warned - this is very image heavy, with 75 fairly large pictures. There are heavy spoilers - mostly from the trailer, and also my own comments and speculation. My interpretations could be completely wrong, so don't assume that they're in any way accurate. Take caps if you want, and there's a download of pictures at the end of the post.
1. Logo
2. Doctor runs down a hospital corridor
3. Martha runs down another corridor towards him
4. They run into each other
5. Text on screen: When two worlds collide
6. Doctor: "I'm the Doctor". Then he moves as if to run back out of the room
7. Martha (in response to the Doctor): "Martha Jones"
8. Text on screen: The adventure
9.Doctor: "RUN!"
10. Oooh, hand!pr0n
11. They run. Notice noone else in the corridor seems to be running, or even be worried
12. Text on screen: Begins
13. Flying dalek
14. Explosion behind man
15. Doctor: "We're going to the end of the universe"
16: Guys with guns grab Martha.
Martha: [screams]
Guy: "Sorry"
17. Doctor hears Martha screaming in the background
18. Doctor running away from women, towards Martha's screams
19. Doctor (shouting): "Let her go!"
20. Doctor: "It's started"
21. Man runs toward the left of the screen, shouting indisctinctly
22.Oooh. Man: "Help me!"
23. Some kind of scarecrow zombie? Wow.
24. This looks pretty awesome
25. One of the pig aliens, with more of them in the background. This looks something like the camp from cap 21
26. That could be a mask, or his face. Likely to be the former
27. Woman (in response to cap 26): "What are you?"
28. Man: "We are the family of blood."
29. Man: "And tonight, I am going to perform a miracle."
30. Doctor: "Something's wrong."
31. This is the guy who speaks in cap 29. He's inhaling - maybe he smells blood?
32. BANG explosion
33. Ouch, I think, is the word
34. Martha is running, hears a noise - the explosion? - and stops
35. Man: "Utopia". He's with an unknown alien.
36. Doctor is screaming. Note they're in the TARDIS, and the Doctor is attached to something and trying to break free. Martha looks distressed, but isn't trying to help him.
37. This is in response to cap 36
38. Martha: "You'd enjoy anything."
Doctor: "That's me."
39. Inside of what is probably a spaceship, and there's an explosion
40. A passenger in the spaceship
41. Another passenger
42. This man was also in cap 20. Could possibly be in the same camp as shown in caps 21 and 25.
43. Dalek from cap 13, flying over the previous scene. I think this explains it ;) There are at least two daleks, by the way
44. Explosion, possibly from dalek fire
45. The Doctor (presumably) in a suit, kissing a bride (presumably his). The horror!
46. Martha: "What?!" She doesn't sound impressed. Note the unexplained companion and surroundings
47. Doctor: "I'm not going to lose her"
48. Doctor and Martha running towards each other from different corridors. The Doctor shouts "woah!"
49. Doctor: "What are you doing here?"
50. A horde of runny/shouty people
51. Woman: "Save us." This may just be me, but I don't think this is Martha. Perhaps her sister?
52. Doctor (or maybe not..., and in respose to cap 51): "I am not the Doctor."
53. Woman surrounded by girls from cap 18
54. Dalek: "Stop them!"
55. Dalek voiceover continued from previous shot. And the Doctor seems to be sonicking the lift doors closed
56. I have no idea what he says here. Something like "anholsy"? He says "Allons-y". Thanks
dramaqueenducky 57. Doctor: "Don't turn your back."
58. Another random guy
59. A pretending-to-be-made-out-of-stone alien? Possibly. It certainly looks great.
60. The Doctor and *someone* running. I think the someone is Captain Jack, but you don't really see the face clearly enough. It could really be anyone.
61. The Doctor winking at Martha
62. This doesn't look good for Martha...
63. The Doctor looking worried about something - possibly Martha's situation in the above cap?
64. Fadeout. A guaranteed way to make any fangirl's heart stop beating.
65. CAPTAIN JACK! With the water tower in the background. At this point, I screamed :P
66. Another fadeout
67. JOHN SIMM! I screamed here, too
68. A *third* fadeout. Noone's going to survive to watch the series at this rate
69. Man's voiceover (continued through next few scenes): "He's ancient and forever." Note that here the Doctor is dressed how he was when he said he wasn't the Doctor?
70. There scenes are all separated by whiteouts, which are, if possible, even worse than fadeouts.
71. We see the Doctor's reflection. He's messing with his tie.
72. Man's voiceover continued: "He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe."
73. Whiteout. Voiceover is continuing
74. Doctor looking at camera. Voiceover continues, and ends at the end of this shot
75. FADEOUT. End of trailer.
Anyone still alive after that? Any offerings of knowledge/theroies are appreciated and welcomed :)
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