A while back (sorry it's taking me so long to get these requests done!),
clarity_lore requested a "Ianto's Best Shots" picspam. This was horrifically hard, because *every* Ianto shot is awesome. Anyway, here goes. Not too image heavy, take caps if you like, caps download at the end. Go have fun.
Well, we have to have the grin, no?
It's really hard to choose the best shot from this sequence :P I think this one this one has to win it though, cause it's a profile shot, he looks intense, and he's food!pr0ning ^^
DEFINITELY a best shot. He's so cute post=snog xD
He's all woobie!
So hard not to go overboard with caps from here. But he has cheekbones of win in this cap, co it makes the cut :D
Do I even need to justify this one?
Ianto's Eyebrow of Doooooom
Particularly delectable this episode, dontcha think?
Slightly demented smile FTW!
What I wouldn't give to be that grape <3
Gah. I took FOURTEEN "best shots" for this episode. Had to cut it down... This has compassionate!Ianto, with a touch of cheekbones. And the lighting is really nice.
This cap is CUTE. He looks so young <333
Appalled!Ianto has to get in here.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/el4dd2 (270KB)
(Previous picspams and downloads