Friends Only... mostly

Jan 24, 2025 01:28

Friends Only

Friending Policy

I like to add people who are at least 21+ I feel weird having kids younger then that on my FL although the ones I do have are pretty awesome and don't type like iDi0tS. I like us to have something in common and request you comment every once in awhile. If you never comment on anything then don't bother because even if you say you read it I never believe it. If you defriend me then I will defriend you as well and won't make any effort to be friends from then on out. I tend to be more politically Liberal, I don't care if you agree with me, hell I'm from Georgia I'm use to it, but if you can't hold a decent respectful conversation about your views and display constant ignorance about views you don't share then keep on moving, I get enough of it in daily life I don't need it online.


I will keep having public entries but anything remotely personal will be friends only. So wedding, cosplay, daily life will most likely be under a friends lock while big public announcements or just stuff I want to share will be public.

If you just decide to add me w/o a comment I will assume you only want to see my public stuff which is infrequent

So comment if you want to be added


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