Yesterday I tried out my domestic engineer side. I gave my second shot at Lasagna, I learned from the first one which was good but still could have used some improvements. The one I made yesterday was almost perfect. The only imperfection was that I had put cheese on the top but I had also covered the dish when cooking so the cheese didn't turn that golden color. Other then that it was perfect, The noodles where soft, the meat and cheese melted perfectly. We had a Salad and Italian Bread. It was such a perfect meal. I had the leftovers today and it was beyond yummy.
I'm getting the hang of using Ricotta Cheese. I use to hate it because every time someone served me something with Ricotta it was just clumps of Ricotta. I found a way of making it so I don't have that awful clumpy taste and you still get all the flavor.
It was beyond yummy. Everyone ate it up like crazy. I feel like I am getting much much better at cooking. Next Challenge is getting Spaghetti Carbonara right.
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