Dec 29, 2002 01:07
I am so happy to be back in my apartment! i am having a new years eve party and half of the people are already here staying until jan 2. i have about 13 people coming over but can fit a few more if any one is in the area.
people think that calling you names online means something........well it does not! online friendships can happen but at some point you should meet the person so you can have a stronger freindship, today i finally met kym from the Got hi c room. we hooked up at a bar in philly called fat tuesdays. it was awesome we clicked so well and have tons in common. we are going to take a trip to texas this summer to meet up with a mutual online friend ( :::smiles at kurt::::)
i wonder if anyone else i talk to is in houston?
2003 is going to be a great year, i have a lot of plans and a great job with lots of flexibility and wonderful friends.
and a big fuck you to who ever has anything negitive to say! :)