Happy about:
1. Got some much needed random chores done yesterday that I'd been putting off forever.
dragonwhishes did a meme song post thingy which she posted this song to me: The Dark of the Matinee by Franz Ferdinand. I love this song! It's been a part of my playlist since. Thank you!
3. I bought the complete platinum Nightmare on Elm Street collection. 7 dvd's plus an extra bonus special dvd. I LOVE freddy! To make it complete I also bought Freddy vs Jason, which I watched last night. Did you know AVA & RON are in it!? I'm watching it and thinking like I know that girl.... OMG AVA SPN! Then my mind did the same thing with Ron, except I shouted out MANDROID! It's good my friends already think I'm nuts.
Pissed, Annoyed, Fed-up:
1. Hungover.
2. Awhile back now some Doc gave me a prescription that I got a delayed allergic reaction to. Now my other Doc has been giving me other medications to get rid of this allergic or toxic reaction. Symptoms: Rash on chest arms, red spots on breast's, swollen armpits -sound like fun huh. So I'm on like the 5th different medication -because no one seems to know what the fuck is going on- It's steroids, they seemed to be working. Rash gone, but yesterday under my arm felt little uncomfortable. Today I've got spot's on my breast, and my under arms are swollen in angry red spots. This is fucking sore! I won't be able to reach my Doc until Monday, so I'm not sure if i should stop taking the pills? They were working?
3. My throat still feels like it's half closed
4. etc, etc...
I'd really like to STOP being a medical conundrum NOW. Like fucking last week YES PLEASE!
I'm going to go play in photoshop... or ...pass out on the couch?