10 Inch Hero & rl -blahblahblahblah

Feb 28, 2009 16:08

Under cut are 15 caps from Ten Inch Hero. Priestly and his shirts. I loved them. The movie was ok, ... no real comment, I will of course be buying it. I love Jensen, and Sean, and it was ok. And did I mention I love Jensen.

So I leave for England on the 11th, I've got a return ticket for the 27th. Don't know if I'll be back then, don't know much of anything going on. My new netbook will work over there, but I have to try and get some kind of pay as you go card for the net. Don't know how that's going to work yet. Also, we are kind of staying in the middle of nowhere, so who knows about a signal. Guess I'll find out soon enough. Despite being frustrated and helpless at not being on the otherside of the world yet and not knowing what's going on, I'm doing well. I've decided to not dwell or grieve until I know what is going on, and what needs to be done. Getting lost in that without really knowing..., well it's not good.

I've gotten so much shit done that I've been meaning to do for ages. I don't know what it is. This sudden drive to just keep going and organizing, and cleaning out stuff. Maybe it's a need to try and control something so I don't feel so helpless with things I can't control? Anyway, it's pretty productive. I have actually been using my calander/organizer. That is huge for me, because while I have always had one it's never been up to date. In fact, it's kind of been a life saver. Iam on top of everything at work including a major overhall of all the files. I have sorted and organized just about all of my stuff. Even organized my art (tools, works in progress) stuff. My jewelry needed sorting almost two years ago! It's all done know. I found lots of little projects from way back when that I had made, including some with with my bead loom from like 7 years ago. Some just needing a clasp to be finished. It's great finding that stuff, like lost little treasures. I even found a bunch of silver I had put to one side to be melted down -score!

I've already finished one project (for jewelry class), and have a couple more in the works. I'll post pics later. Now I just have the usuall stuff to do for when you go away, and to organize my computer so I can catch up with you guys -hope your all okay.

One last thing: Note to Walmart -WTF? I loved your store. I'd go in, be able to get a wide variety of things at good prices, now you get rid of your fabric section, and soon the whole crafts section? WTF. That was the main reason I shopped from you. Some kind of store re-vamp? Lame. In the 20 minutes I spent looking aroud the dregs no less than four people came up to the teller to ask wtf, and be disappointed. No love, no longer.

" On shelves, position books with spines facing inwards. This way reading becomes a true search for enlightenment."
-Little Book of Wrong Shui

rl, pimp/rec

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