Well I hope you all had a good new year. And for a lot of us (myself included), this year better be f'ing better. *shakes fist*
I meant to post earlier but, like, hangovers will pull that shit on you.
So HAPPY NEW YEAR! It's going to be good! What? I'm an optimist. The glass is totally half full.... like with whiskey. mmmm
I've decided to go with some realistic resolutions this year:
In 2009,
livsnddark resolves to...
Keep my farscape clean.
Give some heroes to charity.
Become a better supernatural.
Pay for my jensen ackles on time.
Drink four glasses of psych every day.
Eat more bones.
(nicked from
deviant_dev )
So, uh, yeah. No resolutions this year. I must say things are looking up already!