Nov 15, 2008 13:01
Damn I've been out of the count awhile. The last couple of months have been hard, -RL BS, that I will not go into; it's convoluted at best and I want to keep it away from my happy place. I don't expect it to get better right away...but I'm working on it.
With that vague explanation out of the way, I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised I haven't been mass de-friended. WOW. You all rock for putting up with my shit. Not that I didn't think you were all pretty awesome before. That said, -or if I've just reminded you , 'why the fuck is this person on my flist?', the friend/defriend policy still goes. No hard feelings.
Despite you know being in a hole -figuratively speaking- I haven't missed an ep! Is it possible to LOVE this show even more? OMFG! Excuse me while I flail a little here; WINGS ANGEL THE DEAN OMFG EVIL SAMMY HOTASS ANGEL BOBBY GHOSTFALLOUTSHELTER RE-HYMANIZED LMFAO, AND SO MUCH MORE *breathes* not to mention the most recent MALE at the crossroads for Sam! Didn't Jared or someone say that the crossroad demon was supposed to be like someone you desired? Or something like that? LOL I love this fucking show!
Now I need to go play in PS. But, before I go -
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY martea_scryer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope all is good with you *HUGS*
random rambling ranting raving