I pick my scalp. The scabs on my scalp. I have two or three places at a time that are scabs and hurt much of the time because as soon as I stop, they get a scab which I then can pick. According the my resources, this is called Dermatillomania. The solution is thus: The recommended treatment for Skin Picking Disorder is with a trained
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I also know about Mindfulness Based CBT b/c I have paid a professional. I find mindfulness based cbt does work for me, about all sorts of things. Are you into Mindfulness? I thought it sounded like bullshit, but then I tried it anyway and it has proven most helpful in my life! You don't have to pay someone; you could get a book from the library. My favorite books about mindfulness are When Things Fall Apart and The Mindful Way Through Depression. The second one has a CD w/ some meditation walk throughs, and I totally use those. Being able to quiet the racing of the past and the future--being able to just focus on the actual here and now--helped me w/ many things.
Now you have identified a behavior you want to change. Now if you pick your scalp, you will notice sooner and sooner. It won't be automatic. As soon as you notice, without any harsh judgment of yourself, just move your hand away from your head. You don't have to think, "Well, I already started so I may as well keep going." You can think, "I started to pick it, but now that I've realized, I have already started stopping." When you notice, instead of thinking about how satisfying it would be to open up that wound again, think of how satisfying it is to be in control of your body, how great it is to love your body and to let it be healed and whole and healthy. If you pick at your scalp, just begin again. And again. And again.
Oh! if you and J and D want to go see the best movie ever (where nothing *really* bad happens) go see Inside Out. I cried, Olivia cried, Xavier cried, Justin cried! only Lennon, who is 8 didn't cry.
But it is so so so good and you fell good at the end.
Thanks for your words and your support. You are great!
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