Dec 29, 2014 14:12
I'm reading this guy, James Altucher, and he talks about balance and ideas and writing 10 ideas a day. Then he says you should throw them away, but what if I try and put then here. Also, he advises themes, so today I give you ten ideas for themes fro my ideas:
Businesses I can start
Books I can write
Art I can make
cakes I can bake
exercise that isn't boring
(he says the first three are easy, the next few are kind of easy and the second five make your brain sweat. It also builds neurons)
new toy ideas
board game ideas
poems to write
speech ideas
new ways to find a date
I like building neurons and I think that ideas will be a good thing to put here. Yes, Day three of writing here. I also made FB posts for the past three days (that includes today). After years of circling in, closing down doing less, I am ready to send out shoots again.