update on college life

Feb 03, 2008 12:53

well the first week is over, I made it through. I cried only a few times and only for five minutes or less. This does not mean that I do not miss her like crazy. It means that I have great friends and they keep me busy, and when they see me sad cheer me up instantly or give me a nice big hug. They are keeping me sane.
I miss her most this weekend and can tell weekends are going to be very hard because there is not much to do. We would always cuddle or you know be..ummm together all weekend lol. and now Im just like ok...what do I do? So I hang with friends, pace around the suite, eat, clean, do homework, stare outside...try not to cry. Dance, workout. STAY BUSYYYYYY!!!!! I must repeat this. lol. But I'll be ok. Hopefully she is coming up this weekend, as in the 8th. I'll pick her up friday night. HOPEFULLY HOPEFULLY. I need shy and nell time very much. And then im hopefully going to be with her in boston on valentines and the weekend.

Classes are good. I just don't like my business one lol. I don't care for the teacher and we had a really depressing class on thursday. We talked about global warming, peak oil, subprime mortgage crisis, and trade deficit soooo basically learning how screwed we are.

Other than that I made my friend join scenic art with me so I like that class and we will be doing scenic art for two of the plays this semester, cant wait.

Exploring music I loveeeee the teacher, he's like this 65-70 year old guy and he's just amazing. LOVE LOVE and already have a project due soon but I'm going to have fun with it.

Power of the pen is ok, I hate the class set up, too many people not enough desks, I told her to request more lol. But i love reading and writing so I know I'll like it. Plus I've had her before and she loves me....don't know why thats important, guess I know I dont have to try hard....or maybe I do..to live up to her expectations of me lol mea whatever.

Art and Science of Animation is fun. Making animations on action script and use adobe..so its cool, the first thing I did was pathetic lol so i need practice but I'll get better hopefully.

Ok I have to go to diversity fellow training soon.
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