We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

Aug 31, 2005 15:30

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. Tyler Durden's wisdom.

I started watching Fight Club today as I was packing for DragonCon. Okay, so I'm still watching. Bri hates it. Won't be in the same house where it's playing. I think he doesn't understand it. At least he doesn't insult me by trying to call it a chick flick. That's the usual M.O. when he disapproves of something I want to watch.  In this case, he says it's stupid.  I think he tries to watch it at face value...as a movie and not as a philosophical work.

Attention: Fight Club is a philosophical work!  A very entertaining allegorical philosophical work with eye candy.  Just as JTHM is a philosophical work.

*makes affectionate gurgling noises and nuzzles the ill-gotten JTHM copy that she still hasn't returned.*

DRAGON*CON begins in somewhat more than 36 hours.  I will be there in less than 24.  My student loan refund has not yet arrived.  I hope it does soon.  I'm wondering if I'm being obsessive-compulsive, packing cleaning supplies for the room.  Maybe I'll just pack liquid hand soap and Lysol.  Though I can't bear the thought of all those people crammed into a room using ONE BATHROOM.  I think I'm germ-phobic.  Definitely Lysol.  Lysol is my friend.  *shudder*

"Listen up, maggots.  You are not special.  You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake.  You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.  We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."
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