Ok... So I've neglected my fried writing

Mar 09, 2012 02:18

But today.... I need you

Earlier today while sitting outside on Sirs back deck, we herd two loud pops. Sounded like fireworks/ M80's. I looked over the rail and saw flames in the kitchen of the house two down from where we were. Sir called 911 and before she knew it I was down the street. The elderly lady who lived there was on her porch, I just acted. I didn't think. I didn't hesitate. I went right up to the house, got her up out of the chair she was sitting in and got her away from the house.

Some say this makes me a hero. Ok, maybe.... I say this makes me human. Sir and I stayed there as 4 fire engines responded, circled the house, extinguished the fire, (smoke eaters and all) and saved the dogs etc. the woman... Let's call her grandma.... Was burned on her face and hands, and taken to the local burn unit.

The daughter, and grandkids who lived at the house are all fine and either in a hotel or with girlfriends tonight. They have insurance, there were no smoke detectors, and who knows what is next.

Thank you to all the first responders.... The police who were first on scene, the Balto. Co. Fire and Rescue, Arbutus Fire, EMS.... Everyone!!! 
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