I <3 Chicago

Jul 02, 2005 13:40

I got Back from Chicago on Thursday. It was sooo much fun! I cant wait till next year. There wasnt really one thing that stood out that was cool, the whole trip was awsome. We stayed on the South Side, which was a lot different from here. Obvously we were the only white people, except when we went uptown. I only realized it the first few days then you dont even acknowledge that your the only white people. We took buses & subway/trains everywhere. I like the subways & buses. It was fun talking to random people. I'd smile at like evryone and say hi. It was funny. S-unit, steven, & I made the coolest secret handshake ever! P-L-T!!! So ask us to see it, cause it rocks! We definatly karoked everywhere. Good times. Everyone was cool the whole week, some people annoyed me at certains points but then i got over it. There was a little drama not much though, which was good. Everyone was awsome and im glad everyone who came, came. I will post some pics up later!  Go here for
Wednesday- we left around 7am and got there around noon -ish. Then we went to the Thea Bowmen center, thats were we stayed at. For lunch we ate at White Castle, it was okay, the burgers came in cute little boxes though. Then we went grocery shopping @ Dominiks. We took buses & subway/trains everywhere, i liked it. lol. For Dinner we went uptown to a Pizza place, but I dont remember the name of it. The pizza was yummy though. Afterwards we stopped by the Virgin store, & i everyone took like a ton of the free big red samples. I still have like 20.

Thursday- Keith gave the people who didnt go last year an address and we had to look at a map and find it, then take buses to get there. We got there pretty quick, so we walked to baskin robbins and got ice cream. Later on Coach Malet talked to us, & according to Jennifer he said ' ya know' over 50 times. Then we went to The Ark and played with the kids. It was fun. We stayed at the house for dinner & had churches chicken.

Friday- Woke up early and went to the Salvation army. Steven, tyler, wade, wesley, & myself handedout snacks to the homeless people. Then i had to clean bathrooms, lol. Later steven & I played Bingo with them. At first i was sitting next to this creepy old guy, but then he started telling me how his wife and kids were gonna give him foot massages, so i got creeped out and decided i would call out the numbers with steven. That same creepy guy told kle & susie the same story like 5 times. Half of us left the salvation army a little early so we could get to The Ark on time. We stopped by subway for lunch, then headed to The Ark. I miss all the kids, they were so cute. Me and Alonte' had a secret handshake, it was awsome. Ally knows it too. That night for dinner we went to Chinatown. I was very excited because i love chinese people! We went to some chinese restraunt, of course. lol. We all were reading our fortunes from the cookies and we would add 'in the bed' at the end, it was hilarious!! But then when we were getting ready to leave there was a black out it was scary, but it was kinda cool, a new experience. The subways were still running though, so that was good. On the way back on the subway i was sitting next to this guy and he was asking for my phone number, i was like uh...no. Then he was like' you think im ghetto?' it was funny, i was like..no. haha. His two other friends came on the train and they got into an argument kinda, and i was in the middle of it. I was like, 'lets break it up'. It was wierd.

Saturday- We went to the salvation army again. Jennifer, Ryan, & me raced Wade, Katie, & Tyler in sandwich making. It was so funny, we were like slapping the cheese n meat on the bread. I feel kinda bad, cause the sandwiches were pretty pathetic looking. it was fun though. We made like almost 200 sandwiches in like 15 minutes. Then i had to chop potatoes with Jennifer for awhile. For lunch we went to Potbellies, there subs were delicious. That night we went to the Taste of Chicago, all i got was a piece of cheesecake and a sample of ice cream. So i sold the rest of my tickets to some random guy, but then steven claimed that they were his tickets, so i gave him the money.

Sunday- We went to church at St.Sabinas with Father pflegar (a.ka. pflegar pfleg). It was very different, the service was 3 and a half hours. The people really got into singing and dancing, there holy ghost dancing. We rested most of the day. Then for dinner we to little Italy to eat, we ate at Leonas. I got spagetti but i didnt think it was all that great, so i was going to give my left overs to a homeless person, but i never saw one. Which i guess is a good thing, cause that would mean there wasnt many homeless people.

Monday- We went to a different salvation army, where I helped clean tables and chairs, then cleaned windows. Afterwards we went to the Zoo, but not many of the animals were out so it wasnt all that exciting. The lions were pretty cool.We ate Pizzeria duo for dinner & the pizza tasted like it had beer in it, so it was gross. But we got a deepdish cookie thing for dessert and that was good. We waited like an hour to eat so we stopped at Gap for a few minutes. I didnt get anything though. I think it was this night that we snuck into the boys room and stole stevens clothes and scattered them around his room, and we put a candy can in wesleys bed and next to johns head, then we put pillows outside there door so when they opened there door all the pillows fell on them. It was mighty funny. We didnt end up going to bed till like 3.

Tuesday- Half of us went to Catholic Charties and the other half stayed and cleaned the house. I stayed and cleaned. Steven & I had to vacuum with the pov vacuum that didnt even work. It was funny. John chased down a bus while carry a 24 pack of water bottles, it made me laugh. We didnt even end up using that bus. Father pflegar talked to us in the afternoon, hes a funny guy, i liked him. That night we went & ate at Espn zone. Jennifer & I shared a burger, it was yummy. They have t.v's in each stall of the bathrooms, it was so cool. We finally got to go to H&M but we discovered that they closed at 8 so we were in there like 30 minutes after they closed, and everyone who works there is rude. Plus we didnt get to try anything on since they close there dressing room 30minutes before they close. How dumb is that? So i got a very cute scarf and two pairs of shorts and a pair of earrings. Then when i got home the shorts were a little small, so i convinced keith to let me exchange them on Wednesday. Hillary & I bought some burgers to give to homeless people. I gave mine to a guy who was sleeping on the grass and had a wheelchair. It makes you feel so good to help them, it really reminded me of how grateful i am for everything that i have.

Wednesday- We didnt do any work on wednesday cause noone called keith back, so we just had a free day. first we went to the art institute, which was actually pretty fun. I set off an alarm, cause i leaned up agains something. whoops! I saw that really big pointilism painting, which was neat. It took us forever to find a place to eat, we finally ended up eating at Leonas cafe. I got french toast, but i ate a little bit everybodys at my table pretty much. Ryan found it quite entertaing, how i was the first one done eating and how much i ate. It actually was pretty funny. Then we split into 3 groups, and we to find a homeless person and take them out to eat. I was in keiths group with Jennifer, Ryan, & John. Some guy came up to us and asked if we could help him get some food to feed his lady friend and daughter. So we took him to the grocery and bought him some food. I really enjoyed helping the homeless. There was this one lady who was sitting on the sidewalk with her daughter in her lap, it was so sad. Katie & Susie bought her a big bag of poopcorn and told her about the programs at St.Sabina that help homeless people. It was really nice of them. We ended up going to the top of the John Hancock center since it was closer. It was an amazing view, it was beautiful. I had forgot my camera though so i didnt get to take any pictures. We never ended getting to go to navy pier and ride the big ferris wheel. Maybe next year.

Thursday- Really early in the morning some of the girls got up to tie the guys door together, but i was too tired so i was like whatever and went back to sleep. From what i heard it was funny. It took me forever to pack my suit case. Our flight didnt end up taking off till 3:40, a ten minute delay. Which wasnt too bad. I got this $6 sandwich in the airport and it was  gross and soggy. On airplane i took like 40 pictures of clouds, it was fun. The clouds were sooo Pretty. Susie & I were jamming to some Now 1. It was fun. I think arrive in charlotte around 7 -ish.

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