If you knoe who you are, comment on it even if you don't have a live journal. Thanks :)
Instructions: -- Write a statement for 15 people you know. Some statements can go to more than one person. -- Never tell which one is for who.
[ 1 ] We have changed so much, like together. At the beginning of 8th grade, you were punk; i was preppy. Well, my attitude anyways. I never thought we'd be friends. Ever. You just looked like any other annoying bitch. Boy; was i wrong. We hung out cause my friends were friends with you in PE. You wanted to change; i was outgoing and we became friends. I still didn't like you. You wanted to change your style for a boy cause that's the only way he'd like you. I thought you were dumb for wanting to change yourself for a BOY; but hey whatever made you happy. I never really changed you, and you never got the boy afterall. You could of; but things changed. We hung out at lunch, and laughed the whole PE period. We had so much fun. Talking about the dumb shit that we did the day before, and making up new ways to exercise instead of doing it the normal way in gym. We hung out at eachother's houses occasionally, and you became my best friend. I sort of blew off everyone else, so i could hang out with you. We always had fun; and when one of our heart's got broken, we helped eachother through it. You mean so much to me&I may not show it all the time. You made my 8th grade year at Gilbert Jr. the best it could have been. Thanks so much for that.
[ 2 ] Ok. So you liked me and i thought nothing of you. Hell; i didn't even know you, so i just kind of blew you off. Then we started talking on AIM and i got to knoe the real you, that no one else knew. You are such an awesome person. You have all the quialties every guy should have. You're Sweet; Caring; Funny; Nice; There for me; and most of all Positive. Not about all things, but when i'm down about something, you fix it instantly. We went out for a day; and i was so scared. I don't know why i just was. I knew i wasn't good enough for you. I'm so sorry for hurting you like i did. I really am. You didn't deserve it at all. I'm glad that through it all, we're still bestestfriends. I love you.
[ 3 ] My advice giver. You help me in every way a human possibly can. When i'm 4o with Menopause, i will still be running to you for advice. So be ready haha. We're always having a good time. Either rocking out at the Something Corporate concert, or Gettin down in dirty and POUNDS of mud on live TV. You're my little nature girl. When we can; we're going skydiving and doing all that crazy shit no one thinks we'll be able to do. Boy will we prove them wrong...
[ 4 ] The second i saw you, i liked you. I knew i didn't stand a chance though. I don't knoe why but i still tried. That night everyone was pressuring us to kiss; and i finally made the move; and hurt your arm haha sorry. I'm glad i did it though. Making the move not the arm part. Then you said all that stuff on the interent to me, making me like you MORE. Then i went to Havasu with Jaimie, came back excited to talk to you again, but you had a girlfriend. SO i gave up. Then i was at the movies with Nicole, having the BEST time ever. You walk up and i couldn't stand to be by you and walked away. I walk in the theatre with Nicole later that night and SHE was on your lap. You had a girlfriend and you were with her too. Part of me felt bad for me but the other part felt bad for your girlfriend. I'm guessing she liked you for the same reasons i did, and she's prolly thinking of you right now, while you're with some other chick. I just looked at you and you looked back and i sat in the row in front of you. Anthony took my fone and kalled you. I had no idea he did it. You poked your head through the seat and asked why i called you. I actually thought you were going to say something better than "why'd you call me?". I flirted with every guy that night; even your bestfriend, to get back at you. You kall me like 2 weeks later? Thinking everything's fine. It pissed me off but i let you get away with it. We talked for hours and soon you'd kall everynight. Then you'd stop for a couple days, then call again. Then you went to Illinois for a month. We hung out a couple days before i went to camp& you went to Illinois. That was one of the best days of summer. I totally fell for you then. I get home from camp, but you're still in Illinois; and you kall me. I was jumping up and down with happiness; no joke. We talk here and there and you act like you like me; and it's pretty obvious i like you. I just wish you would tell me if you liked me or not...
[ 5 ] The way you talk; makes me laugh. Like idk the way you type and when you're text messaging me. It's awesome. Barbie bandaids and gummy bears. Hah you're awesome. Member in 8th hour last year when you had that waterbottle and it had a hole in it and me you nicole and joel all had like a water fight? Mrs. porter got really mad; but it was so much fun.
[ 6 ] We used to be best friends way back in like 6th grade. We went to that restaurant with hay on the floor and we'd slide around in it; cause we were cool like that. My parents loved you ( they still do! ) and Bryce oh boy Bryce was obsessed!! Haha. We would put like clothes and pencils on my fan; lay in my room somewhere; turn out the lights turn on the fan and see how much stuff hit us. We were such nerds. Oh god i miss those times..
[ 7 ] We became instant friends at Mariah's party in 6th grade. We were hanging out all night. When that murder thing happened down the street, we like clung to eachother the whole night. Then when we did that thing where we all had to say good&bad things about everyone, georgette kept complaining ahha that's all i remember, but we were like bestfriends for that night and the rest of 6th grade was awesome. Especially science camp! Aww i miss you.
[ 8 ] Hah; you also liked me. And about all of my friends. I always thought you were dumb and stupid. But over summer; i got to knoe the real you and i knoe you always have my back and that you're a real kool guy. You're the best big brother.
[ 9 ] We were BESTfriends in 7th grade. We hung out everyday and talked shit about the Burford's. Member that? They'd walk down the street and we'd be like "Go on a fucking diet you fat cow!!" Hahah. So much fun. We would ALWAYS play Sims; we were in love with that game. You're moving now and it's really sad :( I'll drive and get you wherever you are so we can go on our roadtrip. :)
[ 10 ] Chapel Rock. Sadie Hawkins Dance. Sparkling Lemonade. Tanning. Big Colorful floatie thing in your pool. The Shining. Applebee's. Thirteen. Carmel Frappucino's. JOSH. Church boys..Shopping. John haha. Michael LOL. My name is Jane and i love to ride an elephant. Mark. Icecream/Blueberries&Vodka. I love you hehe you should know who you are.
[ 11 ] You are SO hott. You're a pimp&you helped me the other night with some of my boy problems. You're hilarious; and you're pickup lines are the best. I'm so glad we met, and i hope we stay friends for a loong time. :]
[ 12 ] My Twin. I'm gunna have dreams about having erotic sex in a mcdonald's playground and you're going to dream about a super sexxy stripper named Fiona. Airplane sex is the best haha. "Passengers; bathrooms are closed due to teenagers having sex" hahaha kid you crack me up; highschool's gunna be awesome.
[ 13 ] You now live in Florida. But you were so awesome. Some of my friends thought you were dumb; butt i think you rock. You were here for me through the whole jake thing and i have total respect for you. Thanks for being like a real big brother.
[ 14 ] You changed me into such a bad person. I hate you for it&I hate you. You're not gunna do anything important in life, and i'm just going to sit back and laugh at you. You say you're gunna stop smoking; bull shit. You never will.
[ 15 ] You've become one of my good friends. You're hilarious&random, like ME. We're gunna have soo much fun in highschool!! I can't wait.
Comment if you knoe which one you are...