(no subject)

Dec 17, 2005 14:49

Everything was being placed away Dobby was fixing everything up real nice. Soon HARRY POTTER would be here, he thought. It was the only thing that kept him really going. His secret desire was to be able to serve Harry Potter. As Dobby was cleaning around he stood in front of a mirror and looked into it, he saw himself standing before Harry Potter serving him, the only thing he had ever really wanted. The mirror of erised showed him this.

Dobby was relieved of helping Harry Potter, and had done it numerous of times, and was willing to do anything to help him out. Dobby only talked about being free, but in all honesty he said this only because he thought thats what Harry Potter wanted. He would in a instant become Harry's house elf if he mentioned it.

Dobby went up to Harry Potters dormitory and placed on his bed a wrapped gift, it was something that he had found he thought would be of some use to Harry, they were notes from someone in the school to someone outside of the school that never made it.

you know what you must do

was one of the notes

I'm waiting to see what you're doing, send a progress report on the way

Dobby found anything that was laying about on the Hogworts campus, nothing went on in this place that Dobby had not a slight clue about, he was always looking for ways to help his mast-Harry Potter.

Dobby wanted to make everything so neat and tidy for him and his return, he heard that Harry Potter had been attacked by Dementors and was hoping he would be alright.

Dobby over heard the professors talk about it, and he became slightly worried about it, but Dobby knew he would see Harry in no time so he wasn't all that worried about it.

fanfic, harry potter, 15 minute, tidy, dobby

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