Jul 13, 2004 00:00
I refrain from sleeping so I wont have to wake up to tomarrow.
1...I hate days. They suck. Never end. End too soon.
2...I hate people. They suck more. Fake. Too dramatic. Suck cocks.
3...I hate work. My boss makes me feel like shit.
4...I hate school. Too much to do.
5...I hate summer. Not enough to do.
6...I hate girls. Bitching. Drama.
7...I hate guys. Dick heads. Literally.
8...I hate the fact that #6 and #7 fall under #2.
9...I hate contry music. Dumb topics of discussion.
10...I hate change. You get used to it but others dont. Vise Versa.
11...I hate being awake.
12...I hate going to sleep.
13...I hate taking a shower... in some cases. Too much effort.
14...I hate how I feel sometimes.
15...I hate those times when I dont feel.
16...I hate it when I am lied to.
17...I hate it when I lie.
18...I hate how people never tell me things. Last to know.
19...I hate not having the words to tell people.
20...Fuck it, Im done, I hate this.
I decorated my room today. Anyone remember what was on my door over the signatures because i got sick of looking at them... it was coverd with papers with quotes and lyrics and shit... now those are on one wall. And then on the other i took my over-abundance of office supplies and made a checkerd design with envelopes and taped up the flaps. Yea... I'm rockin now.
I have updated too much... but i guess this is goin under a new day.
Now I can sleep, for tomarrow has already came.