
Nov 30, 2007 22:18

i feel like this right now, an explosion of confetti in every colour within me cos i had a thoroughly satisfying day with lots of laughter and love ♥♥♥♥♥

so had PT; ran round hwach + high sch section -.-, covered 3+km? played captain's ball it was super fun. i'm so sorry to junyao, if you see this, haha bass monster! for jumping at him (to block the ball!) and spoiling his slipper (strap fell off) :[ i'm so aggressive haha! anyway we sweated it out for the whole morning then trooped over to curry wok to have our choir lunch. yichan and i (2 altos) sat with junyao + hewlett (2 basses)and jason + dijie(2 tenors) and it was a freaking funny lunch, my sides were splitting.

yichan: let me tell you a joke
junyao: ?
yichan: junyao.

yichan: it's like saying wanton mee 不要 wanton
me: or chicken rice 不要 rice
jason: or chicken rice 不要 chicken
junyao: AAHAHA IMAGINE IF I SAID ban mian 不要 ban!!!
yichan: GOOD ONE!
junyao, jason, yichan and i burst out into laughter. (hewlett was busy eating)
dijie: ?WHAT? I don't understand!!!what ban mian 不要 ban?! what is ban?!
yichan and i (simultaneously) : ITS NOTHING! -more laughter
dijie (turns to yc, eyes narrowed): it's something, if not then why did you say 'GOOD ONE'?
me: cos it was funny!!!
dijie: i don't understand!!! what is BAN?
jason (-.- at dijie): it's like saying, hokkien mee 不要 hokkien
dijie, bursting out into laughter: AHAHA that i understand!!!
me: then why dont you understand ban mian 不要 ban?!
dijie: hokkien mee 不要 hokkien is funny, cos there's no such thing as hokkien?!
all: ...

hhaha dammnn random and curry work was super worth it. for $5, we could order 4 dishes, so we ordered sambal kangkong (super hawttt), cold tofu (OMG LOVE OMGGGG!!!), curry chicken and...

dijie: i want my hainanese pork chop. (frowns)
jason: i want omelette! omelette is nice!

-5 minute quarrell about pork chop v.s omelette

uncle (Sian of waiting): ahhhhh why don't we order a minced pork omelette?
literally our entire table stood up and gave uncle a standing ovation. :]

and food kept being passed down to our table from the others. the boys CAN eat, omg.
it was a vv funny lunch, i kept lauhing, i haven't laughed like that for so long.
thanks. :]

ok i felt like i had to narrate that out. it was lovely lunch <3 i'm sorry for my luosuoness :] but, choir was super love too. because i love the bb song, it was damn freaking nice omg! i even skipped 2 hrs of work just to stay for entire choir prac + alto party :) thanks cherie and lishan and all the lovely alto angel seniors for the nice party and donutz :] altos pwn all 'cos we have a SECRET HAVEN you don' have, nehnehneepoo.

heee rushed for work after that. eh sharon insisted i started work earlier than i should to a/c for 2 hours so i was like >< but but she gave me 3 x $5 heheh because my customers turned up between 10-6 the prev day, yayyayyay <3 so nvm, work abit longer, and today i got quite alot of bookings. so i'm happy. maybe maybe if i pray hard enough i might get $40? (if i get 10 ppl to come down by monday. that's 4 more...) i want i want $$ kaching. and then after that peyton glenn doreen and i brought FUN out for dinner, farewell Fun :( was her last day today. so sad...it's fun's voice lighting up my day at work, always. and fun is like how cute please, and how 'fun'. i love you! in a way a stranger loves a stranger when their lives touch in the strangest instance.
we ate and talked for 3 hours.
it was a vv great dinner as well. at least i felt at ease and i was just telling them all about the funny calls i made today. i enjoy making people laugh :) i like doreen too, and glenn's my friend now. yay. peyton...♥! haha!

ok, today everything was beautifully weaved together.
even though there were sad moments, like the final hug i was giving Fun, but farewells are inevitable.
wish you all the best, Fun!
won't ever forget you.

thank you, friends. :) ♥ to hwach choristers, ♥ to colleagues. ♥♥

and ♥ to you for being there with me, every moment.

choir, work

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