Feb 16, 2010 22:29
Today I played hooky.
I know, I know. *gasp* The horror! Normally this is not the kind of behavior I condone. Normally I'm a "get up and go to work anyways" kind of girl, because somebody has to be responsible and bring home the paycheck (please note that this is a relative statement, as often I will stay home for silly things like migraines and mental burn-out, which I think is fine because that's what sick days are for). I honestly cannot tell you the last time I straight-up played hooky. Even last week, when I was waiting for the netbook to arrive, I asked for the day off before-hand instead of calling in (and then subsequently cancelled my free day-off when I found out the netbook would be here on Friday instead).
Today I stayed home, for no good reason other than because I wanted to. I slept in until nine, was typing by ten, wrote over 6K for the day, and brought my draft of Loveblind up to just over 20K. I feel productive. I feel great. And I think I may have even been able to beat back the blues that were knocking at my door. Sometimes...sometimes it's good to be irresponsible, so that you can be responsible to yourself. To the things you want out of life that aren't just going to get handed to you. To a dream struggling to become reality.
(Just to confirm that yes, John Lennon, instant karma is gonna get you, I have also broken out in hives. So there.) :P
playing hooky,
instant karma's gonna get ya,