Nov 06, 2009 08:18
Words (Written Today): 2,122
Words (Total as of Today): 13,183/50,000
Mood: I like what I wrote. I’m getting a little worried about plot…
Treat: I watched a pretty good movie earlier (Blindness). Tomorrow I get my SHINY 10K SECRET PRIZE, which I am very excited about!!!
First Line (Written Today): …he was laughing in her mind, laughing as she wandered through the streets, broken buildings surrounding her like the teeth of a dark, dangerous maw…
Last Line (Written Today): When next sunlight approached the horizon, a caravan left for the Shining City, and Arya Tev’Aren left with it.
Favorite Line (Written Today): Night grows longer every year, Wren thought. Long enough and there will be no sun to save us- we shall be devoured by the darkness.
Plod. Plod. Plod. I would like to get to 15K tomorrow, but I have Bunco and don’t know if I can make it happen. We shall see. Otherwise, I am happy for forward momentum, even if I’m beginning to find myself with a distinct lack of candy-bar scenes to work with. Boo, transition work. Also, oh em gee italics!
nano 2009,
cry the wolven