Jul 02, 2007 13:19
Here's a quick update from my spare days back in civilization.
I am no longer albino! I actually have a tan..whooppee!!!
We are up to ten nests on the island, which is awesome, but we have twice as many false crawls (when the momma comes up and starts to nest but for some reason leaves) and that's bad. We think it's cuz there are so many freaking birds right now.
speaking of birds...I saw a bald eagle on Egmont, so beautiful and so freaking BIG!
Boy toy gets here Thursday afternoon, so look out Toucans here we come!
Fourth of Jule is officially going to suck. Me and the other turtle girls are going to be out on the beach by the skimmer colony chasing away dogs all day. It will also suck because of a simple mathematical equation:
lots of people + their own boats + alcohol + fireworks + high fire risk +national park = DISASTER
we are just going to hope no one does anything too stupid. The pilots told me they get like 600 boats out there if the weather's nice. That's at least 2400 people! assuming each boat only brings three, and that's not including the snorkling trip charters that dump people by the ruins or the Egmont Ferry...crazy crazy
Classes are going well so far. I'm sick of writing essays but oh well, gotta do it so i can graduate on time.
well, that't it for now. I think i posted the hair thing another time but I can't remember and I didn't feel like looking at my old posts. Oh well lol.