Real love isn't the same as lust. Jon Bon Jovi said "...songs are about lust, not love." Love is much different than lust. Love gives; ust takes. Lovce values; lust uses. Love endures; lust subsides.
Real love isn't the same as romance. Some couple experience emotional fireworks when they kiss. Some guys can speak words that make a girl feel so good inside. Some girls can make a guy feel taller and stronger than anyone else just by looking into his eyes. Candlelight dinners, mood music, slow dances, and starry skies can make a moment special. Romance can be wonderful, but it's not love. Romance is a feeling; real love is a commitment and more.
Real love isn't the same as infatuation. Infatuation can leave a man or woman feeling breathless, lightheaded, starry-eyed, and addle-brained. Infatuation is usually "me-centered" rather than "other-centered." You fall for someone, you beguile yourself into believing yourself deeply in love with this person round whome your dreamrevolve, you believe yourself ready to renounce your absorption with self for the sake of the well being of this person. Then, one momrning, you wake up to discover that the euphoria has evaporated in the nite. What is more, you find yourself help captive by identical feelings for another person.
Real love isn't the same as sex. Many people confused the intensity of sec with the intimacy of love. Love is a process; sex is an act. Love is learned; sex is instinctive. Love requires constant attention; sex takes no effort. Love takes time to develop and mature; sex requires only physical interaction. Love deepens a relationship; sex (operating alone) dulls a relationship.
Just as many people confuse love with lust, romance, infatuation, or sex, many also are unaware that there are three kids of "love," three ways of behaving that people moutinely label as "love."
Love if... The first type if love is the only kind many people have ever known. It's the love that is given or received when certain conditions are met. One must do something to earn this kind of love:
- "If your a good little boy, Daddy will give you his love"
- "If you get good grades..."
- "If you act or dress in a certain way..."
- "If you meet my expecctations..."
- "If you have sex with me..."
Its purpose is to gain something in exchange for love. Its motivation is basically selfish. "Love If..." always has strings atteached.
Love because... in this type of love, the person is loved because of something he or she has or does.
- "I love you because you are beautiful."
- "I love you because you are so rich."
- "I love you because you give me security."
- "I love you because you are so funny."
This love may sound pretty good. We want to be loved for what we are and what we do. It's certainly preferable to the "if" kind of love. But what happens if someone comes along who is prettier? Or funnier? Or wealthier? If such things are the reasons another person loves us, that love is temporary.
There is another problem with "because of..." love. It's found in the fact that most of us are tro types of people; we display a "public self," the person everyone knows, but we often hide our "private self," the deep-down-insde person that few others, if any, really know. The man or woman who is loved "because of" a certain trait or quality will most likely be afraid to let the other person know what he or she is really like down deeop inside... for fear that, if the truth were known, he or she would be less accepted, less loved or maybe rejected altogether. Much of the love we know in our lives is this kind, uncertain and impermanent.
Love Period... This kind of love is as uncommon as it is beautiful. It is love without conditions. This love says "I love you in spite of what you may be like down deep inside. I love you no matter what might change about you. You can't do anything to turn off me love. I love you period!
"Love Period" isn't blind love. It can know a great deal about the other person. It can know the other person's shortcomings. It knows the other' faults, yet totally accepts that individual w/o demanding anything in return. THere is no way to earn this type of love. Neither can one lose it. It has now strings attached. It is all about giving. The other two kinds of love are all about getting.
Thats all People, Thanks for your time and leave a comment.