Birthdays are seriously awesome. Being given presents for living? Awesome. I got a bunch of stuff which makes me feel all warm and mushy. Oy I'm old enough to get married, vote, run away from home and not be dragged back, gamble and drink. Scary. I spent my birthday shopping in London. Didn't find out about the terror plot until I got home. Yeah I just thought the underground was being funky. Well thank the deities that it was found out.
Back to material shallowness, I did get a Marc Jacobs bag and it's so fucking gorgeous. I dragged my mum to Harrods yesterday to buy me it. *sigh* So pretty. The Picadilly line there was absolutely PACKED. I had a dudes armpit in my face! Not nice. It's awkward being that close to strangers. Like "Oh hey...nice pores." It was even worse when we got onto the PACKED tube after I bought my bag cuz' the carrier bag was huge. I kept whacking people with it. I even caused some damage at home by knocking over an ornament my grandad gave my mum and dad. Whoops. I blame the hugeness of the bag and my natural clumsyness.
I am completely and utterly guillable. On Friday I was waiting for Amy's train to come since we were gonna eat at Aroma. Parminder called me asking where I was, I told her I was in town and she was like "Me too!" and asked me to haul ass to the Galaxy cuz' the gangsd of chavs were scaring her. I asked her what she was ding in town and she said she was meeting her cousin to watch a movie. I didn't connect the dots of having a birthday dinner with her being in town. The first thing I asked when I saw Parminder was what movie she was gonna watch. I am so ditzy it should hurt. Anyways, Amy and Laura arrived and we ate. Laura was surprise person numero dos :P I loooove Aroma food. The cake! *drools* There's this bit where you can get your food cooked fresh for you too which is super cool. The cooks were looking at me weirdly when I was waiting for my food. The dude cooking my food asked me where I was from, he had a bet on with his friend that I was from Malaysia, his friend thought I was from Hong Kong. Cook dude lost the bet. And I felt used.
OMGS results are on Thursday. I will throw a shit fit if anyone happens to call at 7ish. My school's doing this thing where they call you if you don't get the grades you need so you get an early start on looking for other places. It's great that they're doing it, you don't wanna waste any time or anything but it's making me paranoid and dreading the phone ringing on that day. I hope for no phone call.