
Jul 08, 2005 20:48

[ mood |
tired ]
[ music | inner space -- xenosaga episode i soundtrack ]

summer school is OOOVVVEEEERRRRRRR!


and i beat xenosaga, and i'm six hours into xenosaga ii. the one thing i really really hate about it is how a lot of the voice actors aren't the same. chaos had a really high voice, and now he has a really low one? what's up with that?

but at least my FAVORITE CHARACTER EVER still has his sexy sexy voice!

yes. that's right. rubedo is friggin' HAWT. =D

even though he's really short.

ah, well.


O...M...GOSH...i just found out that the person who does Jr's voice is a friggin' girl...

that's all right. rubedo is still hawt, and i'm still going to pretend his voice is his. jr. is jr. and jr. is friggin' hawt.
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