I just made up some piece of mythos for Eyom (the god of the sun and cosmos) that I feel described him well.
Legend has it the Eyom was once asked by a devout follower the reason why it often seemed as though the good people suffered while the evil people prospered. The follower has seen his village, home to modest and hard working people, burnt to the ground and constantly attacked by bandits that grew fat off their conquests, and could not fathom why such injustices were allowed. Eyom responded only be telling the follower that with time, all proper balance would be achieved, and that the good would be rewarded and the foul would be punished. For years the follower watched patiently as the bandits continued their annual attacks, faithful that one day the tables would turn and that those with evil in their hearts would suffer their just end. But years passed, and nothing struck at the bandits, until the very day that follower heard word that their leader, now an old and long-lived man, had passed away quietly in his sleep. The bandits held a great celebration in his honor, and it seemed that his place in their history was confirmed. No man could have led a more satisfying life. At this, the follower could stand no more, and demanded to know why Eyom the Star Holder allowed this evil being to reach the end of his days without ever feeling the slight of retribution. Eyom responded simply, “You think that once your breath is extinguished, that you have reached the end of existence? No my son, there is much more to the cosmos then what lay on this plane. Reaching the end of mortal life with a smile on one’s face does not absolve them. History forgets. Men forget. And in the infinite end of reality, all will reap what they sow.”