Devotions: Followup

Mar 24, 2008 01:14

Originally published at ParticularlyEvil Developer Blogs. Please leave any comments there.

Things have really piled up, and as such updating the design blog has taken a backseat.  Let’s see if I can rectify this.

By now I have already drafted a working-draft for the Devotion feature of the game.  I’ve decided that experience points will be spent on gaining levels withing a given devotion, and those experience points will equal 1,000 x the level desired.

I also managed to draft several sample Devotions, formed a play-test group to try them out, and am currently in the process of working out the details and playing with this new feature via actual game play.  So far, I am very pleased - and my players seem to be excited as well.

Next up, I’ll post links to games that feature Devotion play, as well as drafts of the Devotion system/samples.


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