Between rains

May 28, 2015 16:54

R: Look, there's a river [beside the road].

me: I'd call that a creek. Creeks dry up between rains.

R: "Between rains"? What's that?

me: That's a thing we used to have in the olden days.


Actually, we have been getting respites between the rains. Our current respite feels like a steam bath. Only maybe not as hot, since it's still only May. (Hmm, let me check: Oh yeah, it's currently only 82 and one source tells me that steam rooms are generally set at 110 - 115 degrees.) Still, I can tell I'm trying to breathe water when I'm outside.

Flood News of the Day

"In 1980 Whole Foods Market made its mark, opening its first store on North Lamar Blvd. Just eight months later, they were flooded out, and had about $400,000 worth of damage." - Fox News "The store had no insurance, savings or warehoused inventory. Customers and neighbors joined staff members to clean up and repair the damage, and creditors, vendors and investors provided breathing room for Whole Foods Market to reopen 28 days later." - Whole Foods press release

Now "Whole Foods Market is offering zero-interest loans to neighboring businesses damaged in Austin’s Memorial Day 2015 flood. The company is allocating $1 million for loans, which will be available to businesses in the Shoal Creek flood zone." - Whole Foods

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