Winter Activities

Jan 07, 2014 21:40

Maybe I'll try posting more for a while.

Keeping Warm

Since I'm a cold-weather wimp, a recent theme has been keeping warm without using up a lot of natural gas. Yesterday I walked to some local stores looking for button batteries which they did not have (I'll order online), but the stores did have excess heat. Today I walked/jogged to the library and hung out there until I got hungry and then came home. By the time I got home, my hands were warm from the effort, even without gloves on.

Meanwhile at home, I did turn the heat on yesterday (when it got to 55) and today (when it had been at 58 for a while). I'm still wearing plenty of clothes. And I heat up water (I don't really like tea, and having several cups of hot chocolate a day doesn't seem wise). The shivering muscles in my back ache.


I got a cold at the end of the year and have been resting a lot to get rid of it. Now it's time to start exercising again. The day before yesterday I did my pilates video. My core muscles (not just the ones I use for shivering) are still aching. Yesterday I jogged a tiny bit--the last bit home from the stores. Today I switched between jogging and walking to and from the library.


I've been doing loads of reading over the past several months. I've decided to read every one of Georgette Heyer's Regency romances. Except for two historical ones that Robin says are too gruesome, plus when she concentrates on historical figures, we don't get enough of her fictional characters who are a lot more fun. (Beau Brummel is an exception.)

I'm taking a break from that goal just now. Llcoolvad enjoyed the books on which the "Longmire" TV series is based (by Craig Johnson), so when a friend talked us into going to the central library last weekend, I checked some out. I also had re-read all my Dragonriders of Pern novels and checked out some more of those. Since those have due dates and Robin's Heyer novels don't, I'm switching over for a while.

After reading Death Without Company, I think I'll be reading a lot more of these Longmire novels. I don't like one of the characters as much as on the TV show (Vic), and one of the other deputies is a whole different person. But you get to have Longmire as the "I" point of view, and he has quite the sense of humor--I did quite a bit of chuckling, especially in the first half of the book. But then you find out a lot more about the tragic histories of many characters, so there's more crying, too. As llcoolvad said, the personal stories are different in the books than in the TV show, too. It's kind of like a parallel universe. With really good writing. I hope I don't read anything too horribly scarring. It's a lot easier to look away from the TV than from a book.


My job with the tax company has been not exactly Laurel-and-Hardy or Dilbert-like, but I still don't have my ID number which means I can't clock in or out or take any of the post-training quizzes or get onto the schedule. And I often don't get e-mails about required meetings. Most of my trainings have been within walking distance, which is part of what attracts me to the job. The one before last was in south Austin, though. The next one is in San Marcos--good thing I have a car.

review, book, job

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