Narrowing the Job Search

Jul 05, 2013 11:34

After doing some more research, I've decided to keep my job search quite narrow. Normally this is a terrible idea. However, I have my reasons. Here are my current job hunting goals:

1) Apply only for jobs that can count as service toward my pension. That means anything with TRS or ERS (the latter can be transferred). Why:
a) Every year I work, I qualify for an extra year of retirement pay. (That's tens of thousands of dollars.)
b) Every year I work, I add 2.3% of the average of my 5 most highly-paid years to my retirement salary forever. (It would take quite a lot of savings to generate that much money myself.)

2) Apply only for UT jobs. Why:
a) If my last job where I qualify for insurance is a state job that is not one of the UT system components, I can't get the good, free health insurance. (The alternative is a high-deductible health insurance is fine for now, but might not stay fine all the way until I am 65.)
b) The other UT system components are farther away than I want to commute.

3) Don't apply for UTemp jobs. They do not count toward the pension. I suppose I could get one of these in the near future and keep hunting for other jobs.

This is very limiting. I'm going to a retirement presentation next week to confirm all this.


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