(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 15:57

The five-question meme has come around again. These are from ewigweibliche:

1. Baseball. I don't get it. Convince me it's fabulous. Or, to be in question format: what's so great about baseball?

Like any other endeavor, it's hard for a fan to convince a non-fan. So I'll just try to convey what it means to me personally.
  • Just the game itself. Everything is "I'll beat your best efforts with my best efforts." There's no clock to dribble down, no knee to take at the end. If there's a tie, you keep playing until someone wins. Every pitch and play change the game as every player absorbs what just happened and adjusts. It's a very mental game.
  • Continuity. I love knowing that guys were playing basically the same game over a hundred years ago. There's a lot of tradition.
  • It's a game I can play and have enjoyed playing, which also means I understand what makes for good baseball and good players.
  • It's something I can teach my children, and it'll be a long time before they run out of questions I can answer.
  • Statistics. They help compare eras and players and help my math geekiness be cool. No one cares that I can estimate (a * b / 9) in my head, until it's in the context of Earned Run Average.
  • My wife likes it. We bonded over it.
We have games on TV all summer, but it's mostly as background. You don't have to be into it every second lest you miss something, like a drama.

2. What was your experience being the only dad in DDC? What did you learn? Did you like it? Are you doing it again? (DDC = due date community, for others)

Part of me wondered/s why I'm the only one, like I'm some oddball male who's elbowed his way into a world reserved for women. Does it mean I'm too involved?

The biggest thing I learned was the intensity with which some people hold their views on parenting, and the lengths they will go to rationalize them and debunk others'. Also, it reinforced that everyone's pregnancy and babies are different.

We definitely should have joined the August one, though, as the boys as always behind despite being two of the first.

I'm doing it again, but we're not nearly as engaged in it as last time.

3. As I asked your lovely wife, what are the best/easiest and worst/most difficult things about being a parent to twins?

One pregnancy, two babies.
We got to skip having an only child and an oldest child.
The novelty factor. They're a hit everywhere they go.
They play with each other.

We budgeted for one.
The odds of having a bad day are high, because all it takes is one of them. If both, then hoo boy.
There's rarely any down time when they're awake.
You can't just grab them and go.

4. What inspired you to join the Seattle G&L choir? Are you still singing with it?

I wanted to do something creative outside the house, and joining a chorus made sense. I had a friend or two in it, so that helped. At first, I was a little trepidatious about being straight, but it was nothing.

It folded two years ago, sadly. The personally extra-sad part is that the next concert was going to have two of my pieces performed. :-/

5. You studied meterology (right?) in college. Do you use this? Will you?

I don't use it at all, directly speaking, and never have. I went straight into programming, then teaching, now data analysis. I always loved the weather; what I didn't see as a kid is that meteorology and weather are surprisingly different - like driving and being a mechanic. It's all indicative of my analytical mind, though.


Comment if you want questions.

meme, self

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