missed chance

Feb 25, 2008 15:29

I was living in Ames, Iowa during the first Duyba race that was eventually against Gore. He made a campaign stop to which my then-employer allowed us to skip out to go see. Despite my obvious liberal leanings, I'm still interested in that kind of thing. Plus, I figured it was time off on The Man's dime. So I went with an entourage of fellow co-workers.

After his stump speech, people queued up to shake his hand, say hi, and all that other stuff you see on TV. Some people were getting their pictures taken, which gave me an idea to do the same - mostly for the irony factor. After all, I'd voted against him for governor of Texas, and planned to do the same if/when he'd get the GOP nomination.

Not having brought a camera myself, I asked the women next to me if she'd take a picture and send it to me. She said sure, took my card, refused any payment, and took a picture of Bush and I with one arm around each other's waists, smiling like we were old hunting buddies.

She never sent it.

politics, self

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