(no subject)

Mar 03, 2006 20:49

With the chaos of moving for the second time in eight months(*), it's been a trying week. I'm trying to help turn this place into a home, which to me means creature comforts. However, I keep running into obstacles. My computer died, so I bought a new one (ugh). I can't get wireless working, so L's computer can't get online. A video card I bought for the new computer isn't compatible, and a new soundcard requires cables I don't have and don't remember ever seeing anywhere.

In the middle of the week, I set out to get the surround sound working on the TV/DVD. I was missing a cable again, but this time I knew I had it ... somewhere. Well, I finally found it, and tonight went about the task of splicing wires, configuring components, etc. I cut my finger in the process of splicing wires with -ahem- a knife, so I deserved that. But the end result is that the system is set up, and it sounds rockin'. Neighbors beware!

(*) And the 14th time in 17 years.


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