long time no say....(yes, a stroke of genius if i must say so myself...)

Jul 29, 2004 10:20

well, not to terribly much to say.

i saw my cousins baby yesterday. she's 16 last febuary. and she had her baby on july 15. she's an adorable baby. and you can see the fact that she's a mother on her face. if you know what i mean by that. and well, i don't know. she was quite adorable though, i must point that out. though most babies are i guess.

apparently my boss has given a lot of hours next month, i think i am supposed to get my schedule today. im quite terrified, but at least that way i will be making 250 to 350 dollars a week. cause i get paychecks every week. which is really nice i might add.

i've been trying to pound through doctor zhivago. i am on page 130 of about 515. so i guess that's better than nothing. im on part 2. so at about a section a day it should be maybe a little over a week before i finish it.

i ordered some cd's online yesterday and it was cool cause i haven't done that in forever. and my dad asked me last night.."so, you got any money put away?" and of course i said yes, cause i do. but i somehow manage to spend a lot of it.

my guitar lessons have been going pretty well. except i had an odd conversation with him yesterday that was a little akward. but it's a bit much to explain.

well, there you have it. im bored of typing.
i cannot go on.

mike edwards levy.
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