Orihime. You may take your hat back now, if you wish.
[[Filtered to sixth and seventh-years]]
You must all have selected a partner by now. Let me know who your partner is, and what spell you will prepare for the next class. It is time to take your studies to the next level. Be ready.
[[Filtered to fourth and fifth-years]]
Read more... )
((Now who didn't see Fuji and Leon being partners coming? xD; Anyway, since the mun is clueless when it comes to spells and stuff, I used Harry Potter Wiki and it had that spell under Transfiguration so I hope that it's fine??))
..You did not find that in the textbook for your year.....
[[WHOA, I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING for a negative value of "didn't"! XDDD *looks the spell up with the power of the internets* Ooh, that's McGonagall's super-amazing BRING ME TO LIFE spell.... XDDD The only thing is, it looks like a spell used on inanimate objects, so they won't be able to try it on each other.]]
((xDD Oh! They're supposed use it on each other. Doh! *feels stupid now* Hmm.. so it could be anything as long as it involves testing on each other? What could they do then? *isn't that good with hp cannon and magic*))
*eyes him narrowly, gauging whether he knows what he'd be getting into with such advanced work*
[[XD; I should make a list or something.... Yes, that's the idea. You could.... make something up like I do XD have them Transfigure each others' hair into different styles, or their skin into scales or something of that nature, if I'm remembering correctly from Book 6?
*tries to figure out what Fuji's saying in his icon O_o]]
((Hmm... skin into scales sounds pretty good. And I wouldn't know from which book that is. *hasn't read all the books* ^^;;
I think he's saying 'I smoke pot'? xD))
XDDD Read Book Six!! It's The Half-Blood Prince, Harry's sixth year (and better than the seventh book, IMHO). YOU NEED IT FOR RESEARCH AND STUFF. ;D]]
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