*upon leaving the Great Hall this morning, students will observe a white line glowing in the floor, with the word Transfiguration hovering in the air above it: a subtle hint that the class is this way*the line having led each class in turn to a wide, pillared room in Ravenclaw Tower, they are given time to disport themselves among the desks -- and
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In this class, the notes that you write will be no more than a guide. *looks over the class in general, laying the question open before them* Tell me why this is so.
Perhaps because the notes, much like merely reading a book teaches merely the theory... Where as to learning the practical and actual application is more what should be learned.
Not trivializing the theory of course, but theory is nothing if you can't actually cast the spells... Am I correct? *curious*
Correct... in part.
*eyes him, waiting to see if he'll carry the train of thought further*
Spells should be a second nature to cast.
You have won five points for your House, Raistlin.
Sooner or later, your instincts will be tried as well as your wit. Are you prepared?
I can only hope that if I study and practice enough that when I am further tried and tested that my magic holds as true as it once did...
*nods again*
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