Sunday at Millie's [4-11-10]

Apr 11, 2010 21:47

Saturday had been... most interesting. Millie had found out she had a child with a man she'd never even met before. A quite adorable child with a mischievous streak Millie was sure Mother Proudfoot and the others would recognize all too well. And the man, Max, was terribly handsome and kind and had a knack for making her blush more than she ever remembered doing.

They'd spent the day together and at Adi's request - well, insistence, actually - they'd ended up having a sort of slumber party in the living room. After all, they couldn't very well explain to the child why Mommy and Daddy weren't sleeping in the same room. She was already curious enough about why they weren't kissing each other - which apparently they did quite often in wherever she was from.

Still, Max had been quite the gentleman, even if he did rather enjoy teasing her (and truth be told, she rather enjoyed it herself), and they'd all settled down for sleep.

But now she was awake, watching them sleep, and wishing a bit that they were her real family. She'd always dreamed of having one some day, as unlikely as that was looking.

[For the fake family.]

au kids

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