Nov 10, 2004 23:07
+ Started off the day happy, and will end it happy.
+ Forced myself to do some work as i called around looking everywhere trying to find out anythign about recycling, and managed to suceed. So starting next Monday, the bins in the lounges won't be overflowing anymore.
- People in drama are getting sick
+ But the play has really come together and it's gonna be awesome.
- I was completely lost in Dr. Bill's lecture today about the Krebb's cycle, and as hard as i was trying to concentrate on it, i randomly remembered my dream last night...which i'll mention later.
+ The civitan meeting ran well today...perhaps because Geri Jerott was there and i worked harder, but whatever...
+ Alison and i had KFC and went to Walmart.
- Both of our tires on both of our bikes were flat, and we're both out of shape, so by the time we got there and back, we were in major pain.
- I spent more than i wanted to.
- My pictures aren't very good...a lot of them were so dark the people wouldn't even print them. Hmm, i think my camera may have gone said it expired 6 months ago.
- I forgot drama practice again,
+ but Aaron called me and i rode my bike and got to the theatre before they did.
- I almost got hit by a car on the way there because they weren't looking as they zipped out of an alley...and the driver had a kid in the passenger's seat whom i have taught bible study and swim lessons too.
+ I bought fuzzy socks at Walmart, and now my feet are warm.
- I have an english memo due tomorrow and i haven't started...oops.
Ok, so i had a weird dream. I was in some weird town that wasn't weird at the same time, with people that i've never met before, but in my dream they were my friends and family. I was pregnant, but not fat. My friends were like, hey, let's go ______ (i forgot where). I was like, no, i'm gonna have a baby. They were like, are you in labor? I said no, but i will go into it today...i know it. So they were like, ok, and left me. Then i was like, i have to pee, and my mom appeared and was like, "YOU"RE GOING INTO LABOR???" I was like, no...i just have to pee. So i disappeared and reapeared. Then like 2 hours later in my dream, i was like, ok, baby's coming. So all of a sudden all of my friends were there, and they put me ontop of a fast food resteraunt's table. I laid down and the baby was out. Everyone was standing there watching the whole thing. I then started frieking out saying stuff like, oh no, my mom always said she wouldn't take care of my kid if i had one this young...i was 16. So i was like, oh no, i have to take him to school...Brooke's gotta go, that's my kid's bed now. Oh no, i'll be the idiot in college with a kid. Then all of a sudden my kid was like 2 years old, and i was telling him to shut up and be quiet while i smuggled him into school. When we got to our room, i kicked Brooke out and she had to live in the hall. I started telling my kid that he had to always had to stay quiet and not make a noise because if they reslife found out about him, then we'd both get kicked out and he would've ruined our lives. I don't remember anymore...but i mean, come on. I'm not only like one of the least likely people to get pregnant at 16, but i sound like such an awlful mother. Haha, just thought i'd tell ya'll.